Juggling in the 21st Century - publication by Dr. Éva Gyarmathy
Dr. Gyarmathy Éva - Zsonglőrködés a 21. században
eng. below
1. Rizzolatti, Giacomo (2004). „The mirror-neuron system”. Annual Review of Neuroscience 27, 169–192. o. DOI:10.1146/annurev.neuro.27.070203.144230. PMID 15217330.
2. Draganski, B., Gaser, C., Busch, V., Schuierer, G., Bogdahn, U., May, A. (2004). Neuroplasticity: changes in grey matter induced by training. Newly honed juggling skills show up as a transient feature on a brain-imaging scan. Nature, 427(6972), 311-312.
3. Driemeyer J, Boyke J, Gaser C, Büchel C, May A (2008) Changes in Gray Matter Induced by Learning—Revisited. PLoS ONE 3(7): e2669. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0002669
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5. Sampaio-Baptista, C., Khrapitchev, A.A., Foxley, S., Schlagheck, T., Scholz, J., Jbabdi, S., DeLuca, G.C., Miller, K.L., Taylor, A., Thomas, N. et al (2013) Motor skill learning induces changes in white matter microstructure and myelinationation. Journal of Neuroscience 33 (50), 19499-19503
6. Rubenstein, J. L. R., Merzenich, M. M. (2003) Model of Autism: Increased Ratio of Excitation/Inhibition in Key Neural Systems. Genes, Brain and Behavior. Vol. 2, 5. 255–267.
7. Gyarmathy Éva (2017) Zsonglőrök teljesítménye a Raven-féle képességmérésben. (kézirat)
8. Merzenich, M. M., Nelson, R. J., Stryker, M. P., Cynader, M. S, Schoppmann, A., Zook, J. M. (1984) Somatosensory Cortical Map Changes Following Digit Amputation in Adult Monkeys. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Vol. 224, 4, 591–605. p.
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10. Merzenich, M. M., DeCharms, R. C. (1996) Neural Representations, Experience and Change. In: Llinas, R. – Churchland, P. (eds) The Mind-Brain Continuum. Boston, MIT Press. pp 61–81.
11. Gage, F. H. 2004. Structural Plasticity of the Adult Brain. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. Vol 6. No. 2. 135–143.
12. Kilgard, M. P., Merzenich, M. M. (1998) Cortical Map Reorganization Enabled by Nucleus Basalis Activity. Science. Vol. 279 no. pp 5357 1714–1718.
13. Merzenich, M. M. (2001) Cortical Plasticity Contributing to Child Development. In: McClelland, J., Siegler, R. (eds.) Mechanisms in Cognitive Development. Mahwah NJ., L. Ehrlbaum Assoc. pp. 67–96.
14. Lillard, A. S., & Erisir, A. (2011). Old dogs learning new tricks: Neuroplasticity beyond the juvenile period. Developmental review, 31(4), 207-239.